Yako Kit Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in HK right now in times of Covid?
It’s been a difficult time for everyone during the COVID-19. The quieter than normal nightlife business has been striving to survive. They all hope the economy will get back to normal asap, and everyone should take good care of their health.2. How long have you been DJing/Producing and what can we expect next from you?
I started DJing in 2010, and I’ll keep doing it until I get old. And then I’ll teach my children and grandchildren to be a DJ.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please, don't hold back.
The worst gig was in 2014 at a hip hop underground party in Wanchai, the organizer was very rude and not respectful. They treated me like a jukebox. They scolded me when I didn’t follow, and I’ve never worked with them.The best gig was with a LGBT called Lexchillhey. We’ve worked together for more than 10 times. They respected me and gave me confidence, and made me feel comfortable playing the songs I like, and everyone enjoyed and felt high.
4. If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ, actress or something else?
If I had to choose, maybe I’ll be a radio DJ. I usually listen to music on the radio when I’m home, that’s why I want to share different kinds of music with my audience. Music is like life, and we cannot live without it. We need different musics in different emotions.5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
1. Keri Hilson , Kanye West, Ne-yo -Knock you down2. Robin Thicke - Sex therapy
3. Nas Feat. Lauryn Hill - If I ruled the world ( Imagine that )
6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate with and why?
Tiesto, for sure. He’s my idol when I was young. He inspired my DJing skills. He’s like a God. I believe that many DJs would love to have an opportunity to perform on the same stage with him.7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for us and our readers ? (60min)
My schedule is pretty tight these days, but I will when I’m free.
8. How kind of DJ you’d like others to categorize you into?
I don’t like others to label me as a female DJ, to me, music is gender neutral.9. What are your work related plans for 2022 and your career?
In 2022, I wish HK could ease the border curbs, so that I could go DJing in other countries. And also to join more underground parties and play more different genres and styles of music.10. We saw you are getting much attention by news media and other music and nightlife platforms, please tell us more about it
I want to let people know that I’ve never stop DJing, I always enjoy music and being a DJ, I’m just waiting for a good chance when nightlife is buzzing again. So let’s cheer up everyone, cheer up Hong Kong!11. Please list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time to speak to us today.
Instagram : yakokitFacebook : Yako Kit