DJ Tiara Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in Tokyo right now in times of Covid, specially in your home town of Tokyo.
Japan's nightlife has been impacted since last year already, lucky did we not have any major lockdowns or curfews until now, however you can feel that people are more hesitant to go out and clubs are just not as full as before. My gigs have declined from thrice a week to twice a month now, But it is ok, we will overcome this situation soon, and then we party like there is no tomorrow ;)2. How long have you been DJing/Producing and what can we expect next from DJ Tiara?
I have been working in the nightlife for half my life. First as the main dancer for the famous Burlesque Tokyo, for people who do not know, it is like the Asian counterpart of the Moulin Rouge in Paris. Then in 2012 I started out DJing and producing in 2015. I think I am a work in progress and I try to never stop learning. Expect many more high-profile remixes and plenty of Original tracks on various labels in the future.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please.
Every gig is an experience, I love to perform, in fact, I believe I was born to entertain ON & OFF stage. My best experience was probably headlining a 35000 people Festival in Singapore in 2018, with incredible feels and openings for my idols such as DJ Snake, Oliver Heldens, and Armin.No bad experiences, only lessons learned.
4. If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ or something else?
DJ/Producer/Dancer, this is my life. I also could see myself working as an educator later, something with children. I love to be with them.
5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
I: Tiara & Swatkat - FIRE (HexagonHQ)II: Tiara & Swatkat - LOVE GOT YOU (Mixmash)
III: Tiara & Ardo - FINE WITHOUT YOU (Frequency)
6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate and why?
Oh, that's a tough one as there are plenty. If I really have to choose I would love to make a song with Dua Lipa, I adore her as well as with my favorite DJ/Producer Oliver Heldens. Who knows, maybe one day...7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for us and our readers ? (60min)
Of course, I will get right to it. Is it ok to submit it by next week? I will prepare something for you guys.8. What brands did you work with in the past and which special events had an impact on you and your career.
The list is sheer endless. I worked with Shiseido, Red Bull, British American Tabacco, Hennessy - Moet, JAL for example, and performed for Formula 1 in Canada & Japan, I was in the pre-program of Ultra Asia and many other big events. Also very memorable was the New Years' booking in Nepal.9. What are your work-related plans for 2021?
More music, more good vibes, always staying positive and doing my best for everything. I am a very cheerful and happy person, I think that shows and reflects in my work. I always want the best results and the best for the people I am working with. Only like this, you can succeed. No gigs? No problem. More music is on the way ;)10. Congratulations for making Asia's Top 25 DJs list for the 2nd time. Please tell us how you feel and what were the reactions from peers and fans?
I am honored and happy of course. I have never imagined having loyal followership and people cheering for me like this. It is the best feeling in the world.Thanks, EDMdroid, and most of all Domo, domo arigato to everyone who has supported me on my way. I love you all.

11. We saw you are getting much attention by news media and other platforms, please tell us more about it.
I did plenty of interviews and was featured in our local press here in Japan this year, as well so many international platforms and outlets approached me ever since releasing on major labels. It feels good to be recognized for what I and my team are doing. I think we are definitely on the right track.12. Kindly list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time to speak to us today.
I am thanking you. Pleasure talking to you.https://www.facebook.com/DJTIARAJapan