DJ Sabrina Terence Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in UAE right now in times of Covid, specially in your current base Dubai?
It has been always a pleasure working in the UAE, the Country is doing its best to avoid another Lockdown. We have been operating the nightlife and bars, lounge for almost a year now with little destrictions which are in my opinion helping a lot to keep numbers low and safer!2. How long have you been DJing & Producing and what can we expect next from you?
Can you believe it, its been 15years now and still feels like yesterday :-) I am working on a new summertrack for next 2022. With another DJ and vocalist.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please, don't hold back.
My worst was a very difficult client, who was super popular in the F1 and even german speaking, he argued with me about his playlist he send 24hrs before (5pages lol) And I knew I played a song from his wishlist, but he came to me and said: this was not on the list... He was not happy with anything even I made the guests dance, he insisted of changing the songs he thought would be best right now. Then why bringing a dj right? You can play your own playlist and be happy. I almost run away and kept hardly patient lol4. If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ or something else?
Well not sure if you saw, but for the past 6years I am painting and I am getting better with this passion, I just sold my "Lucky Coin Bitcoin" Painting last week and another one in Germany "Circle of Life" I am super grateful!5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
Dom Dolla San Frandisco, Nawantiti, and ofcourse new one Cold Heart but remixed.6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate and why?
David Guetta and Armin Van Burren, I have been always a fan of they music.7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for us and our readers ? (60min)
Of course!8. What are your work-related plans for 2022, your career and beyond?
To be honest, take it easy, play here and there to make people happy and ofcourse PAINT a lot new cool Art.9. Congratulations for making it into several Top lists in recent years. Please tell us how you feel about it and what the reactions were from peers and fans? What's your ultimate goal to be archived in this line of work?
I am always so thankful for my supporters, no matter if new or longterm, without them I wouldnt be where I am today. so Thank you everybody! Love you all.
10. You were born in Germany, then spent much time working and traveling around the world, same as in Thailand, UAE, etc. What is the difference for you about performing in Western countries from Asian countries for example?
The Crowd which is in each Country different. As well the culture and food :-) And I always loved it. One of the best things which happen in my career being a intl DJ.11. Please list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time today to speak to us. We very much appreciate it.