Monti The DJ Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in Thailand right now in times of Covid, specially in your hometown of Phuket?
The nightlife in (Koh Samui /Thailand) has gone into a complete stop during covid, the past 2 years were very difficult for us especially those who work in the entertainment industry, the tourist island turns into a ghost island.2. How long have you been DJing & Producing and what can we expect next from you?
I’ve been DJing for 16 years working on my craft and building my career, I’m just getting started, I’ve got so much to give yet.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please, don't hold back.
My best gig experience was in a full house club and the whole crowd knew every single Hip-Hop track I played, I had so much fun and wished it never ended. And at (Samui Hip-Hop Festival) on Chaweng beach.The worst experience was I had to play in a venue using the main speakers as monitor and with a mixer and decks wasn’t functioning plus a crowd demanding non Hip-Hop music in a Hip-HP club. lol
4. If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ or something else?
I’m an Architecture engineer, Djing was my passion and a hoppy turned into a side hustle and a job, grew up in a neighborhood that’s loves music.5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
I prefer to listen to oldschool Hip-Hop 90s early 00s, so I don’t have a pacific top tracks.6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate and why?
DJ Khalid and DJ Mustard.7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for us and our readers ? (60min)
Sure, a mix for EDMdroid Asia and readers.8. Nothing much going at the moment, just got started after 2years out, stay tuned on some big Hip-Hop events soon.
9. What are your work-related plans for 2022, your career, and beyond?
I’m planning on taking the show overseas , trying to get more gigs in different cities and grow my fan base around the world.10. Congratulations for making it into several DJ Top lists in recent years. Please tell us how you feel about it and what the reactions were from peers and fans? What's your ultimate goal to be archived in this line of work?
I'm humbled and overwhelmed by the award. Thank God first and thank you EDMdroid Asia for the recognition and everyone who supported me through my career especially Koh Samui island people.