DJ Leng Yein Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in Malaysia right now in times of Covid, specially in your hometown KL.
It had been almost 2 years that the scene is restricted. All clubs are not allowed to be open and we are all jobless now hahaha do u have a job for me ? Im broke hhahahhaa 🤣🤣🤣🤣2. How long have you been DJing/Producing and what can we expect next from Leng Yein?
This year was my 8-9th year geeeshhh i dont even remember. Im so old now i think imma die soon.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please.
My best would be those with most crowds as it is a form of psychological, mental and physical satisfaction to see alot of ppl coming together and enjoy the music. My worst would be of least crowd because the agent did not promote the event, he instead ranaway with my DJ Fee and left me and the club at awe and i only found out about that when i arrived at the scene. That was a sad experience. Its like, i dont get paid, the club is angry at the agent, and i personally doesnt even know the club, my hotels and food and transport arent paid, but i have fans who arrived there so i want to put on my show for them, and yet most of my fans doesnt even know that this event existed. That was by far my one n only sad experience. Sigh.4.If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ or something else?
Definitely being a pianist. I actually enjoy the peace more than the noises boozes and bass 🤣 hahaha. I just enrolled MBA course n hopefully i can complete and pass my papers. Then i would have a Master in my life. And i am actually contemplating to go for a Doctorate. If i actually do a Doctorate, that would make my grandma and my mum very happy.
5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
Still my piano and Disney’s songs remixes. Hahahaha. Im weird. I love my piano pieces and cartoon tracks. I dont even know why LOL6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate and why?
Anyone would be good if they are keen to collab. Because, WHY NOT ?! Everyone is as good as they want to be. Music is about expressing ourselves, not graded.7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for our readers and us? (60min)
Yeah. Why not heehee8. Anything you like to be promoted or mentioned.
Im grateful for PIONEER Malaysia’s support all along my DJ Career and also all the mature DJs, tutors, teachers along my 8-9 yrs DJ-ing career. As of we are speaking rite now, they had always been a friend, my backbone support, providing me guidance, giving me heads up on tracks updates everywhere, and also sending me their remixes. I am grateful for their kindness, their generosity and their trust. I am constantly improving because of them.
9. What are your work-related plans for 2021, your career and beyond?
I have no plans as our country are still in the lock down period. So i guess i have no choice but to just wait for our government to unlock and we have the freedom to work n travel once more. Just like the good old days.10. Congratulations for making Asia's Top 25 DJs list several times in a row. Please tell us how you feel and what were the reactions from peers and fans?
Im grateful for EDMDroid for providing a platform for us DJs. It helps alot to open DJs up to a bigger market. Your team are super friendly and i really appreciate that. As for the fans, i will do my best to keep them entertained, thats my job and i will always be thankful to their time and attention.11. We saw you are getting much attention by news media and other platforms, please tell us more about it. Any plans for new tracks & releases?
I wont be producing because im not planning to be signed under any company so to say i know my tracks wont be promoted n it wont go big so i wont waste my time. Remixing other tracks are ok. But i dont want to do anything thats not fonna be popular. I would rather play what the crowd wants. My motto is to please the crowd n listeners, not myself.10. Please list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time to speak to us today.
Facebook : www.facebook.com/lengyeininstagram : www.instagram.com/lengyein
Youtube : www.youtube.com/lengyein
And basically whatever app im gonna be in, it will always be : LENG YEIN