DJ Kom Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about your tours and stay in Asia in times of Covid. What have you been up to?
Hey guys, during covid i stayed in Italy working on the productions and on the management side with MSBtalents, since September i’m living in Indonesia and i really like the music community here, they’re more focussed on EDM and for a lover of EDM like me it’s the perfect environment.2. How long have you been DJing and what can we expect next from DJ KOM?
The “Kom” project was born in 2012, this year is the 11th year of djing…after a few years without a lots of music, from now i’m gonna start to release again lots of music, next friday i’ll release my first record of the year “Walking Away”, can’t wait for it!
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please.
Ahahaha, this is an hard question, let’s start from the worst, it was in India in 2018 during a tour…maybe because i was not really open minded like now but i lost 4 kilos in 2 weeks of tour…i ate almost nothing for a week. as “best gig” is really difficult to decide…i had a lots of very nice gigs around Italy, Holland, Indonesia, Dubai, Miami and Thailand but if i’ve to choose now the gig of NYE 22 at Differ in Pattaya.4. If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ, actress/model or something else?
No choice here…i really like my profession as DJ - Producer - Manager - Creative and i want to keep this.5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
For sure the tracks of a few artists that i work with:- Lockdown - Bloody Mary
- Suark - Stare At The Silence
- HIIDRA - Love Me
6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate with and why?
I think VINAI, they’re my favourite in the EDM world because they are the only Italians of the new-generation talents to have brought their music at massive levels.7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for us and our readers ? (60min)
Sure, i love to spot some new unreleased tracks and here you have:
8. Tell us about your track “Walking Away”.
“Walking Away” is the track to kick-off the 2023 and as i told you i really can’t wait to get this one out next week…i worked together with Mastik Lickers and my artist/friend LE ONE to get this one ready for HMG that is gonna distribute it…i believe that this one could be huge for my catalog!You can find it as first track for your exclusive guestmix.
9. What are your work-related plans for 2023, your career and beyond?
Keep growing and keep pushing for the artists of the MSBtalents agency and for the Kom’s project that is coming mature now…for sure i’ll put my best to get the maximum possible.10. Please provide us some insights about how the Asian market is different from your home turf in Europe and the overall perception of guest & touring DJs.
After this first 5 months here, i don’t think there’s so much different from the European market, for sure genre-wise here in Asia the EDM is still strong, in Europe a bit less but at the end of the day is always the same if you’re good to do your job you’re going to do it everywhere also if the moment is not great if you’re not a "big name" but as i mentioned, let’s do the best possible!11. Please list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time to speak to us today.
- https://www.instagram.com/komdeejay/- https://www.facebook.com/officialkom
- https://open.spotify.com/artist/0udaLZnmQEU84poE2cbrlR?si=UzENzlV1TlG6-r71SPkV9w&nd=1
- https://soundcloud.com/kom-official
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCthWAT8A9rsgAXnElEIEOWQ