DJ Fenner Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in South Korea right now in times of Covid?
Due to ‘the Rona’ big clubs are having a real hard time with the various restrictions put in place by the government. At one point clubs were forced to close from 10pm-5am. So the hardcore clubbers would start at 5am until 12noon. Most people are just going to bars and lounges now though. As a result the music trend has shifted slightly to suit those venues; tech house, brazillain bass, hip hop and techno have had a surge in popularity.2. How long have you been DJing/Producing and what can we expect next from DJ Fenner?
I have been DJing for over 20 years now. Got into the UK rave scene at the age of 14. For the first 6 years of my career I only played Hard Trance & Hardstyle. Now I play everything depending on the venue. I got more into the producing side when I was at University. I really enjoy the missions of making all different styles of music. You can expect more of the same, and new tracks featuring some really dope artists.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please, don't hold back.
est experience probs playing Songkran water festival in Thailand. Biggest crowd I have ever played to and the most exciting feeling. Thank you DJ Yukie for linking me up with the show. I remember it like it was yesterday! You can see the tour video of the show on my Youtube ‘Fenner Official’.Worst experience hmmmm, I think I have selective memory because nothing really stands out as a bad experience. Probably when I got too drunk after a show in China, spued up and nearly missed my flight?! 😂
4.If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ or something else?
I’ll be DJing till I die. I can't recommend it enough! The best job in the world. It's so fun to me, it doesn’t feel like a ‘job’.5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
Surf Mesa - Ily (the girls in korea seem to really resonate with the vocals in this track)Shouse - Love Tonight [Remixes] (this is one of tracks this summer that people just want to hear)
Pop Smoke - Dior (I love the bass on this track, when played loud it just makes you ‘screw face’)
6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate and why?
James Hype. His mixing style is tekkers! I like to get technical when I mix too, so I reckon me and him would be a dope back to back set. Hahaha. Hook up a tour around Asia soon?!7. You are based in South Korea. What's your favourite spot atmo?
I’ve been DJing at a beach club on the east coast of Korea this summer. It's called ‘Tann Beach’. It's like a dream come true! I want to make a beach club of my own some day. Looking for business partners if anyones interested?! DM me on instagram @fennerofficial.8. What are your work-related plans for 2021, your career and beyond?
Plans for 2021 are basically just to keep going?! Keep on making beats and DJing. Got some dope colabs with Korean artists coming up and looking for international colabs too. I want to make DJ families / cultures in every country all around the world. Starting with the countries around asia!
9. Congratulations for making Asia's Top 25 DJs list. Please tell us how you feel and what were the reactions from peers and fans?
Thanks everyone! Very happy to have been nominated. My friends and fans were super supportive. The people closest to me know how hard I work for the music. Getting this award was more than a little thank you for the years of hustling. I appreciate that!10. May we ask what prompted you to move away from your native UK and to pursue a career in Asia?
The weather?! Hahaha. England is grey and rainy. I'm a summer guy. I love traveling too, so basically I found myself chasing the summer sun and exploring new countries to DJing in.11. Please list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time to speak to us today.
Instagram : www.instagram.com/fennerofficialFacebook : www.facebook.com/fennerofficial
Youtube : www.youtube.com/fennerofficial
Soundcloud : www.soundcloud.com/fennerofficial
Website : www.fennerofficial.com