DJ Cindy Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in Macau right now in times of Covid?
For the past three years, the world has been living with COVID-19. Fortunately, the epidemicin Macao is not very serious, but it also has a lot of impact on tourism, the number of foreign tourists to Macao is much less than before, now the tourists are from mainland China. DJS had little demand in Macau. There's only two nightclubs, and the rest are small bars. The club is usually crowded only on Fridays and Saturdays. Since the start of the COVID-19, other small bars are increasingly hosting events and parties with DJ performances to attract people.2. How long have you been DJing/Producing and what can we expect next from you?
I started DJing in 2020 and I'm going to keep doing it because it's what I love to do. I hope to learn the skills of making remix music as soon as possible so that I can have a song portfolio that represents myself. At the same time, let my DJ image be more prominent, let the audience have an impression of me.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please.
My best gig experience was as a resident DJ at an outdoor pool in a hotel. Since it was summer vacation, many parents would take their children to the pool. In Macau, many people think that DJS only appear in nightclubs, so they have a bad impression of DJS. At that time, I was also worried about a bad reaction, but when I saw that the tourists in the hotel responded well to my performance, I felt not only a sense of achievement, but also a sense of satisfaction during the performance. The worst gig I can remember was in a hotel bar and restaurant. There was a customer at the bar who was drunk, and he asked me to DJing another type of song, and he shouted insults at me, then he kept harassing me. I remember I was very unhappy at the end of the day, so that was my worst gig experience.4. If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ, actress or something else?
I definitely want to be a professional DJ. In addition, I want to run a shop specializing in selling second-hand luxury brand goods. At the same time, the shop also sells cakes and coffee, to let people have a relaxing time at my shop.5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
Dr. Dre - The Next Episode (San holo remix)The chainsmokers vs.Tove Lo - Habits
Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike- Untz Untz
6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate with and why?
I would love to collaborate with a female DJ(DJ RayRay) from Taiwan. She is one of my favorite female DJS. I love her personal style, which is very infectious when she performs. So I really want to collaborate with her and learn from her.7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for us and our readers ? (60min)
Of course I'm happy to make a mixtape for all of you and readers.
Welcome to follow my Instagram: cindyyngg__
And stay tuned for my future DJ performance updates and life sharing on Instagram. I’m also looking forward to DJ performing in other countries one day!
9. What are your work related plans for 2022 and your career?
In 2022, I really want to make a breakthrough in DJ skills and become a DJ with personal brand image and strength. Since last month, the COVID-19 outbreak in Macau has been put on a state of prevention, and daily life in most parts of Macau has yet to return to normal. Hope to return to normal soon! And continues to DJ for various parties and events again.10. We saw you are getting much attention by news media and other music and nightlife platforms, please tell us more about it.
I'm glad I chose to be a DJ. I have never regretted it. It was the right thing to do and it has become an indispensable part of my life. I really hope that DJ culture can become one of the entertainment programs for the public of Macau, so that they can feel the high atmosphere brought by DJing.11. You took some time OFF from DJing, being a Mom, how does one juggle the 2 career and family, any suggestions for our readers out there?
No any job is easy, not to mention being a mother. You are a role model for your children, you inspire them. I’m glad my family fully supports my career. It's important to be able to do what you love and this is what life for. #YouOnlyLiveOnce12. Please list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time to speak to us.