DJ Bki Cool Exclusive Interview for EDMDroid Asia
1. Please tell us and our readers more about the nightlife in Nepal right now in times of Covid, specially in your hometown Kathmandu.
Well Covid hasn’t been easy for anyone but specially for our kinda entertainment scene we were hit hard and lots of Djs retired early because it was getting very tough to sustain but it’s getting bit better as days are being passed cuz of more people getting vaccinated and more places and better events and festivals happening.2. How long have you been DJing & Producing and what can we expect next from DJ BKI COOL?
It’s been almost over a decade that I started Djing actually but production I started quite late cuz I was kind of full time dj back then and had very less time to give when it came to producing but now I’m planning a collab series with few National and intl acts plus working on and tech album.
3. What has been your best and your worst gig experience so far. Be honest please, don't hold back.
Well when it comes to best gig Experiences there are plenty cuz that’s the best part about the profession we chose to make memories and experiences but the worse are mostly when organizers and club owners don’t seem to understand the value of an artists and evaluate as such and well we are all aware of artists suffering from late payment and dues … and yes that has happened to me as well.4. If you had to choose, which profession would you be going with? DJ or something else?
I’m interested in Photo/Videography matter in fact that’s my hobby as well but dedicating more than 10 years of my life and better or worse has been a really amazing journey of a roller coaster ride so I don’t think I’ll chose anything over Djing.5. Top 3 tracks at the moment?
✓ Damien N-Drix - Mamake✓ La Mama de
la Mamá (Carnage × REDTAPE Remix)
✓ Yaeji - Raingurl
6. With which intl. act would you love to collaborate and why?
Well there are plenty but if I have to chose one specific one it will be Timmy Trumpet because I always looked up to him and I feel like we kinda share the same energy.7. Are you keen on cooking up an exclusive mix for us and our readers ? (60min)
Sure would love to get my music out there.8. Tell us more about your record label (The Cool Ones Production)
I started it with a vision a dream of promoting electronic dance music to the niche audiences here in Nepal and also to promote young and talented producers and to guide them. We do their music distributions, Promotions and creatives for them with no cost at all to help them grow and get their music out there.9. What are your work-related plans for 2022, your career and beyond?
Well I’m trying to resume my ongoing Asia tour adding more countries than the previous roster which was disrupted by Covid 19 and Im collaborating with Pioneer Dj Nepal Official to open a one of a kind Dj school in Nepal. Of which we are on final stage.
10. Congratulations for making it into several Top lists and rankings in recent years, including numerous times our Asia's Top 25. Please tell us how you feel about it and what the reactions were from peers and fans.
Thank you very much edmdroid for the platform like this for the underdog Djs/producers. Feels good of course and plus it wouldn’t have been possible without my fans and well wishers they are the one who made it happen so would love to thank them.11. You were born in Nepal, then spent much time living in Malaysia and traveling across Asia. What are the differences in performing for example in Vietnam than to raging out in front a home crowd back in Nepal?
Well home crowd is always home crowd you know em much better than anyone across the globe so there won’t be much of crowd reading and experimenting to see what they like cuz you already know what they are into and what they like but when it comes to overseas that’s the fun challenge that’s when your years of experience and crowd reading skills comes to work and the whole set becomes an adventures journey. Like I said earlier Nepal is still a niche market when it comes to Electronic dance music but places I’ve played out of Nepal they are pretty keen and open and welcoming for bit experimentation but not everywhere though.12. Please list down all your social media handles here for our readers to check you out and to follow you of course. Thanks for taking your time to speak to us today. Thank you for letting me get my words out there to the people. I really appreciate it.
★ Follow & Listen to Dj Bki Cool ★:Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DjBkiCoOL
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/djbkicool_official
Spotify : https://sptfy.com/djbkicool
Itunes/Apple Music : http://bit.ly/bkicoolapplemusic
Deezer : http://bit.ly/bkicooldeezer
Google Play : http://bit.ly/bkicoolgoogleplay
Amazon music : http://bit.ly/bkicoolamazonmusic
Jio Savan : http://bit.ly/bkicoolsaavn