EDMdroid News
August 7, 2021
DJ Dinar Candy staged a street protest against new COVID-19 curbs dressed in a mask and a red two-piece bikini, which police say violate Indonesia’s pornography […]
July 16, 2021
Restrictions cover the Greater Seoul area and also include limits on treadmill speeds and group sizes Music running at over 120 BPM has been banned in […]
July 9, 2021
Norwegian company Elire Management Group has taken the idea of wanting to forever preserve our most treasured music to a whole new level: by making a time […]
July 8, 2021
Industry body suggests “neutral nomenclature” that will be more inclusive. The Professional Audio Manufacturers Alliance (PAMA) has announced that it’s working with its members and industry […]
July 3, 2021
相信不少人知道網絡女神Lokyii(樂宜)是一名DJ,今日凌晨時份她post出一張與同是DJ的女友DJ Troyi(初兒)的合照,並寫上:「My best partner .we love you and miss you.RIP . HK the best DJ – DJ Troyi」,好友離世令她大受打擊。
July 3, 2021
Even before the pandemic forced borders to close, there were already isolated countries, cities, and regions. Geographical isolation is often easier to overcome than ideological isolation. […]
July 3, 2021
It’s commonly understood that phone use at live events is a big problem. High-profile DJs have been talking about the issue since at least 2015. And […]
April 21, 2021
Investing money in cryptocurrencies has never been as popular as recent times. Currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have been making big waves by reaching records […]
April 13, 2021
Physical music is at an all-time high despite the current, highly digital world. US vinyl sales hit nearly two million approaching Christmas in 2020. In the […]