EDMdroid Asia

July 16, 2021

Music over 120 BPM banned in South Korean Gyms for two weeks

Restrictions cover the Greater Seoul area and also include limits on treadmill speeds and group sizes Music running at over 120 BPM has been banned in […]
July 9, 2021

Norwegian company set to bury a huge vault of music for 1,000 years

Norwegian company Elire Management Group has taken the idea of wanting to forever preserve our most treasured music to a whole new level: by making a time […]
July 8, 2021

PAMA calls for “outdated” audio terms such as ‘master/slave’ and ‘male/female’ to be replaced

Industry body suggests “neutral nomenclature” that will be more inclusive. The Professional Audio Manufacturers Alliance (PAMA) has announced that it’s working with its members and industry […]
July 3, 2021

Hong Kong Top Female DJ Troyi passes away

相信不少人知道網絡女神Lokyii(樂宜)是一名DJ,今日凌晨時份她post出一張與同是DJ的女友DJ Troyi(初兒)的合照,並寫上:「My best partner .we love you and miss you.RIP . HK the best DJ – DJ Troyi」,好友離世令她大受打擊。